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African Thrush

Tanzania 12/201
Z ostatniej chwili-02/2023-Gambia

Bardzo dobre
African wild dog

Finally managed to meet the African wild dogs. This is my first encounter with these animals and I do not hide the anticipation. Unfortunately, despite several trips to Africa I have not been able to meet them before, they are among the very rare, already endangered mammals of Africa. They like open spaces. We met our African wild dogs in the Kalahari. The heat on that day was so great that we thought we were moving through a turbo-circulating oven. The African wild dogs were also exhausted by the heat, lying in the shade of small bushes, not caring about our presence.

Bardzo dobre
African Wood-Owl
African Yellow White-eye
Agile wallaby

I met Walabie in the areas abundant with lush green flora. The kangaroo prefers to live in the dry bush. Walabie live in small groups, they rarely live alone. Compared to the eastern grey kangaroo, wallabies are rather tiny. They weigh about a dozen kilograms, not more than twenty kilograms. They are about 85 cm long. They inhabit the north of Australia and remain active at night.

Bardzo dobre
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alpine Accentor

It occurs only in the mountains, at an altitude of approximately 1800 - 3000 meters. So there are not many places in Poland where you can find this bird, because these are almost exclusively the High Tatra Mountains. To locate the best place to observe the bird with maximum  likelihood of a success again well-wishing birdwatchers were very helpful as well as hints and information found on the Internet – the peak Kasprowy Wierch (1987 m ASL). There is no problem with reaching the summit if one accepts the cost of tens zloties per ticket.

Bardzo dobre
Alpine Swift

In Poland it was found several times (until May 2022). So, it is difficult to take pictures of this swift in our country. I took these presented photos in Dubrovnik at the end of May 2022. Here Alpine Swifts are common. You can photograph them surrounded by the beautiful sights of Dubrovnik. One can does not mean that it is easy. Limited by the carry-on luggage of a budget airline, I decided to take only a 400/5.6 lens with me, as it was not a birding trip this time. Unfortunately it was probably not the best choice and it was difficult to take good pictures.

Altamira Oriole
Amazon Kingfisher
