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Eurasian aspen
Eurasian beaver

There are a few reasons to be satisfied that the Eurasian beaver finally appears in my gallery. The first reason is that it is a subsequent new species of mammal belonging to the Polish fauna.  The second reason is that it is the biggest Polish rodent. The third is the fact, that it is the only animal in the world able to shape the landscape. And the fourth reason is that the beaver belongs to animals which lead nocturnal life, so taking photos during the day, as in the case of the  European badger, is not an easy matter.

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Eurasian Blackcap

An inconspicuous little bird, beautifully vocalizing. The Eurasian blackcap weighs about 20 g, and has a wingspan of around 20 cm. If you stand still, and it sits down somewhere nearby to perform its song, keep your ears open. Maybe it will feel safer and let you then take even more photographs.
Last minute news - 05- 2013

Eurasian Collared Dove

Eurasian Collar Doves are currently very common, especially in city aglomerations. This bird, from a family of doves, has an amazing red eye. Unluckily, it can only be seen in the close ups and subdued light. Eurasian Collar Dove is an example of an evasive bird species, which, just a century ago, did not appear in Poland. Now, it is popular enough that everyone treat it as something natural, simply native. Weight of an Eurasian Collared Dove does not exceed 200 grams with a wingspan of around 60 centimeters.

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Eurasian Coot

It is a water bird of the family Rallidae commonly occurring in Poland. Its body mass is about 1 kilogram, with a wingspan of approximately 70 cm. After the breeding season it is often seen in large flocks, attracting the attention of eagles, whose favorite food, next to fish and carrion, it is. It likes standing waters with reed beds, where it can quickly hide in case of danger.
Last minute news 09/2013

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Eurasian crag martin

Swallows rock caught up in the mountains in Turkey. Unfortunately, as it is sometimes swallows, their rapid flight and a small silhouette provide technical barrier to the implementation of a satisfactory picture. So I waited, and I made pictures of swallows resting on windowsills window. Photos are documentation and not likely to in the future, it was different. All galleries swallows on my website, so far, is of such nature. Maybe would appear to be time and opportunity to make a deviation from this shameful tradition ...

Eurasian Curlew

Or my so far unfulfilled photographer’s dream. The pictures presented here were taken in Norway, quite by chance, and taking good photos of this largest representative of the group of waders in Poland, is my dream. Unfortunately, due to small population of the Eurasian curlew in Poland, this won’t be an easy thing to do. Various sources report that in Poland there are from 600-900 nesting pairs. The bird is huge indeed. Its weight can be up to 1.5 kg, with a wingspan of about one meter.

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Eurasian eagle-owl

It took me a long time to have my own photos of the eagle owl. For many years I had no opportunity to watch an eagle owl - the largest owl included in the fauna of Poland. And again, thanks to kindness and selfless help from others  I finally managed to take pictures of an eagle owl. Krzysztof, Halina - thank you very much for the tip, because without your help there still would be a vacancy in the eagle owl gallery on my website. This gallery starts with photographs of young eagle owls.

Eurasian hobby

We stopped at a village and after getting off the car we could hear quite distinctive squeak. Two eurasian hobbies circled above our heads. They were a couple. The difficulty was to obtain clear images. They were moving so quickly,  and their silhouettes were so petite that  this task became as difficult as shooting swallows in flight. Fortunately, there were moments when they approached flying with the smooth easy flight and I managed to take a few photos. The pictures are more of a documentary value, but they are the first pictures of this bird I took.

Eurasian Jay

Eurasian Jay is an agent of a forest police or, if you prefer, belongs to the forest's early warning system. Many times, when I was camouflaged in the woods, it approached me so close that after realising the distance, it started screaming and scared away all the nearby birds. Once, it was really amusing, when it sat about 3 meters from my observation window and for couple of seconds we were looking at each other, while I waited for its final reaction. Jay had an acorn in its beak, which it dropped after finding out I was there, and it started preventive action.

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