
Alphabetical list

Galeries 61 - 70 of 124 available in this categorie    |    Page 7 of 13
Meadow Pipit

Returning to the same place does not mean capturing the same species of birds. Pictures of common snipes , wagtails, wood sandpipers or reed buntings that were published in my gallery were taken while I was waiting in fact for a little crake and a spotted crake . So far my attempts to photograph those species failed. Once a little crake almost passed under my lens when I was shooting water rails and that was all. As I do not have this bird in my gallery I attempted to take a picture of it again.

Bardzo dobre
Mediterranean Gull

It was not another Bird trip. On that day I had no plans to take photos. A miracle happened, though. I didn’t have my 600 focal length lens on that day. I only took 100-400. I took some pictures. However, there was little light and the focal length was insufficient. Fortunately, all these inconveniences were compensated by  my guide (the kindest regards to Kerem). But for him, my Turkish bird trophies would have been far more modest.

Mediterranean shearwater

Mediterierranean shearwater undoubtedly are very difficult to immortalise in photographs. They keep away from the shore and their group flights are very dynamic. However, I witnessed some progress to my collection of photographs of this species. In my last attempt at photographing these birds I managed to take just several photos of them in difficult conditions caused by windy weather and distance.

Mediterranean Short-toed Lark
Melodious Blackbird
Melodious Warbler

Another species belonging to the Polish fauna enters my collection. To be honest, I had hoped for more during my trip to Gambia, but I ended up adding one more species of the Polish fauna - the Pomarine Jaeger. Luckily, I was able to photograph an otter from a ferry across Gambia River on its way to Senegal. I photographed the Melodious Warbler far from human habitation, in the countryside, in an area covered every few metres with bushes and trees. The Melodious Warbler was very skittish, like most birds in Gambia outside human settlements.


As usual one has to have a little bit of luck in nature photography. With the merlin it was exactly this way. A merlin sat down for a few seconds, which was enough to take several pictures. And that’s how our encounters with this bird during our two-week stay in Mongolia ended. And, as you can see, the bird was really close…
Last minute news -06/2018 Iceland

Mexico - flora
Bardzo dobre
Mexico - others
