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Galeries 2421 - 2430 of 2540 available in this categorie    |    Page 243 of 254
White-tailed Kite

This is the second kite on my website. The photographing scenario is always the same. The kite is sitting quite high on an isolated tree and observing the vicinity. It preys much like a kestrel, hovering in the air in order to spot the prey and attack it out of the blue.  I approach the kite, taking shots every 10 meters. Although the quality of the photos is better, the background gets less attractive. From the green perspective of trees the sky stays white. White-tailed kites can weigh nearly 400 grams, with a wingspan of about one meter.

White-tailed Robin
White-tailed titi monkey
White-tailed Wheatear

After all, this gallery, the gallery of one photo, so far, had to be set. There are several reasons. The picture was taken in Wadi Rum (the Valley of the Moon) in Jordan, and here is an oddity – with 70-millimeter lens. I have to explain to photographers what is the reason the photo is so poor. Although it was not another bird's trip, taking 500mm lens when going to such a different exotic area, which was Jordan, Israel and Egypt was compulsory to me.

White-throated Bee-eater
Bardzo dobre
White-Throated Caracara

Southern crested caracara, White-throated caracara, Chimango caracara

White-throated dipper

Observing a Splash is an incredible experience. This small bird, as it weighs less than 70 grams, swims very ably in mountain torrents, continually finding larvae of insects in them. Despite being a an ably flyer its wings are more used for swimming and as rowing paddles. As for a relatively rare animal, its population in Poland is estimated for around 1000 couples, it lets itself be photographed quite easily and without masking.

Moje ulubione, Dobre
White-throated honeyeater

This gallery was based on a few documentary photos of the White-throated honeyeater. Alas I could not find any information about this species except for the fact that it occurs in eastern and northern Australia. During the year it migrates between those areas. Beyond doubts this is another representative of honeyeaters on  my website.

White-throated Kingfisher

Last minute news -12/2018 Sri Lanka

Bardzo dobre
White-throated Magpie-Jay
