
Alphabetical list

Galeries 11 - 20 of 124 available in this categorie    |    Page 2 of 13
Magellanic Woodpecker

A number of galleries of woodpeckers were created on this journey. So many that the number of species in the family of these birds on my website was almost doubled. The superlative "most" with reference to the natural world always causes extra excitement. This time I was able to photograph the biggest and the smallest woodpecker of those found in South America, or to be more precise - in Argentina. The magellanic woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in Argentina. Its weight can reach 360 grams (males) and a wingspan of approximately 0.5 meter.

Maghreb Magpie


Magnificent Frigatebird

Costa Rica
Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

Not much has changed in this gallery after photoshooting in the Dominican Republic. The status of the gallery remained the same, and the gallery itself was supplemented with several photos of the flight of a male Magnificent frigatebird.
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

Magnificent Hummingbird

Although I managed to capture many species of hummingbirds, you can find there one description of all 22 species photographed in Costa Rica together. This time my expedition took longer and the light was better, I had therefore an opportunity to take many dynamic pictures. It is interesting that driving around Costa Rica after traveling several kilometers there were species of hummingbirds completely different from those we could observe earlier.

Bardzo dobre
Magpie Goose

Probably It would be better to shoot The Magpie Geese from a certain perspective, rather than present close-up of the bird. At least in my opinion they do not belong to good-looking ones. A short distance, additionally quite intense sunlight made a final effect even worse in case of pictures presenting the Magpie Geese with juveniles. The Magpie Goose is an interesting bird for another reason. It is the only representative of the family Anseranatidae. It lives only in Australia and New Guinea.

Magpie Shrike

Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Bardzo dobre
Magpie Tanager

In terms of occurrence and the difficulty in shooting of the bird, it is like with shooting magpies in Poland. There were not many of them but when taking pictures of other species, representatives of this species appeared in front of the lens from time to time. The weight of this magpie is about 70 grams.


The Magpie-lark is quite commonly found throughout Australia. The colors of the plumage brings associations with our magpie. But is it a bit smaller and lighter than our magpie. Its body length does not exceed 30 centimeters, and the weight is about 100 grams (60-120 grams). It is interesting that it builds its nest  of clay like our swallows. It is insectivorous and very territorial, so much that on its territory it can attack a man. As one of the few  the Magpie-lark can sing as a duet.

Malabar Pied-Hornbill
