
Alphabetical list

Galeries 31 - 40 of 124 available in this categorie    |    Page 4 of 13
Mandarin Duck

The mandarin duck does not belong to the group of our native species. Taking so many photos of this colorful bird in our country is perhaps possible only in the Royal Lazienki Gardens in Warsaw. Although they are fed in winter, and the hosts of the park do not let water freeze, the ducks are free and half-wild. An interesting thing is that the mandarin duck is an arboreal duck. This means that it nests in tree hollows, sometimes at the height of a dozen plus meters.

Bardzo dobre
Mangrove Black-hawk
Mangrove Cuckoo
Mangrove Swallow
Mangrove Vireo
Mantled guereza
Bardzo dobre
Mantled Howler

As we were quietly walking through the forest, along a river, we were looking out for long-tailed manakins. There were massive trees growing around us. And suddenly, in this silence a mighty sound could be heard. There was a herd of howler monkeys sitting in tree tops above our heads, which was difficult to spot from our perspective. We came out of the forest and from that place we could see the herd of howler monkeys moving from one branch to another, and thus we were able to take the pictures presented here.

Bardzo dobre
Manx shearwater

I don’t know if I ever have a chance to take any photos of Manx shearwaters which will be different from the pictures that I have taken of fluttering shearwaters or Mediterranean shearwaters. A huge distance, a momentary flight and that’s how the contact with this species always ends, so does an attempt to take shots. This time was the same. That’s why the start-up gallery has a symbolical character, but it’s neither the first nor the last time. The Manx shearwater weighs about 400 grams and has a wingspan of approximately 80 centimeters.

Marabou Stork

Marabou storks were frequently found in Tanzania. They often wandered around campsites in search of some leftover food. They appeared also where vultures and hyenas were feeding on carcasses. It was not difficult to take pictures of them, but I did it more on the grounds of a desire to have another species on my site, especially so characteristic of Africa, than for the very sake of these birds. Well, marabous, in my opinion, do not belong to the beautiful ones...
Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Bardzo dobre
Maria de Montserrat Abbey
