
Alphabetical list

Galeries 81 - 90 of 299 available in this categorie    |    Page 9 of 30
Black Tit
Black Vulture

Shooting in a place like Iguazu resulted not only in pictures of one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, but also in creating the black vulture gallery. Black vultures circled majestically above the waterfall. There were always a few - to ten individuals. They were flying high above the water, and then landed on the trees nearby, and a quarter, a half hour later they took their wings to fly again. Unfortunately, the birds were quite far away and using lens of 600mm + 2.0x converter, it was usually not enough.

Black wheatear

It appeared in front of our lenses near a hide in Spain, alternately with the southern grey shrike and the blue rock thrush. The bird was such a frequent visitor in front of the hide that I had plenty of photos to choose from to build the gallery. It occurs on the Iberian Peninsula, in the southern part of France and in Northwestern Africa (11/2017). I also managed to record the bird’s voice.
Last minute news-03/2023-Morocco

Bardzo dobre
Black Woodpecker

The black woodpecker is the largest among woodpeckers occurring in our country. It has a body weight of about a quarter of a kilogram, and a wingspan that doesn’t exceed 70 centimeters. Unfortunately it is very skittish and hence difficult to photograph. The images I took are more the result of a coincidence, than the effect of waiting in a place of its expected occurrence. If you move calmly and quite noiselessly through the forest, you can sometimes see it, especially that its plumage and size make it quite noticeable.

Black-and-rufous warbling finch

Well, you do not always manage to take a satisfactory series of pictures which would present a given species and its natural habitat extensively enough.  I took some photos of the black-and-rufous warbling finch, but they are far from satisfactory. Black-and-rufous warbling finches occur in Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, so there’s not much chance that this gallery will change. A finch weighs about 20 grams.

Black-and-white Owl

I wouldn’t have been able to photograph this bird, or to be more precise, a pair of these birds, without a guide. The guide stops the car at some point, we march several dozen meters, and here they are, sitting on their “duty branch”, on a massive tree. They didn’t pay much attention to us while we were photographing them. Black-and-white owls can reach up to half a kilogram in weight. They appear in Mexico, through Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia to Peru. They live in humid forests, eat insects, frogs, small birds and mammals.

Black-and-white Seedeater
Black-and-white Warbler

Last minute news- Dominican Republic – 11/2021

Bardzo dobre
Black-backed jackal

Tanzania -12/207
Last minute news-Ethiopia - 12/2019
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Bardzo dobre
Black-backed Puffback

South Africa
Last minute news-11/2022- Zambia

