
Alphabetical list

Galeries 21 - 30 of 41 available in this categorie    |    Page 3 of 5
Versicoloured Emerald

Being in Iguazú, even if you are not particularly interested in bird beauties, you should visit a place, which is unique on a global scale. Every taxi driver knows this place in  Iguazú and for a few dollars will take you to an amazing hummingbird garden. An admission ticket costs really little. The place itself is very plain. For many years, on a small area of a backgarden, its owner has been hanging water fountains for hummingbirds around.

Vervain Hummingbird

In the Dominican Republic you can take pictures of three species of hummingbirds and the following text refers to all of them. I don’t recommend the Dominican Republic for those of you who want to photograph hummingbirds The beautiful pictures of hummingbirds on the Internet are taken at special feeders where the birds are used to the sight of people. This is the place to try to take a good photo of a flying hummingbird. I said “try” because everyone knows how fast they fly and how fast they can change direction.

Bardzo dobre
Vervet monkey

South Africa
Last minute news-11/2022 - Zambia

Bardzo dobre
Victoria Bay
Victoria Falls

The stay in Zambia was not another birding photography trip, but just a two-day stop on the way to Botswana, the real destination of my next trip. The logistics of getting to Botswana were planned so that I could see some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world - the Queen Victoria Falls. They were discovered in 1855 by David Livingstone.

Vieillot's Barbet
View from Burij Khalifa
United Arab Emirates
Village Indigobird
Village weaver

It's quite strange that I was able to photograph the village weaver on Fuerteventura. This species is found in Africa and there is widespread in many countries of the continent. Its weight is about 40 grams, and a wingspan is approximately 40 cm. In fact, I saw it when shooting iguanas. When the weaver saw the passing iguana, it watched him attentively giving out steady, loud sound. It was clear that the bird was very afraid of the reptile, as iguanas should be afraid of small weavers.

Bardzo dobre
Violaceous Euphonia

The photos in the gallery of the violaceous euphonia were taken in the vicinity of Iguasu waterfalls. I had a few encounters with this bird, so I could create a more extensive gallery presenting the charm of this species. It occurs in northern and eastern Brazil and in northern Argentina. A violaceous euphonia weighs about 14 grams.

