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Yellow-billed Oxpecker

South Africa-02/2017
Last minute-11/12-2022-Botswana

Yellow-billed Pintail
Yellow-billed Shrike
Yellow-billed Stork

One could say that we were lucky this time. In Thailand only one representative of the stork family - the Asian openbill - was photographed. When I was back from other trips I could not widen a group of the representatives of this family on my website. In South Africa, we managed to photograph the yellow-billed stork, the African openbill and the woolly-necked stork. So I have three more representatives of storks. Of course with varying degrees of success  in terms of photographic effect.

Yellow-breasted Antpitta

My output from this family of birds so far is two species, photographed in Thailand and Srilanka (chickadees). So not much. In Ecuador, I managed to photograph 8 species (antpittas)! They are difficult to photograph and without the help of local guides it would have been impossible. The guides had to spend a lot of time beforehand to make them an attraction for observers, photographers. They live naturally on the bottom of a tropical moist forest. They are small, secretive and difficult to see, let alone photograph.

Bardzo dobre
Yellow-breasted Barbet
Yellow-browed Bulbul
Yellow-browed Sparrow
Yellow-browed Warbler

I managed to photograph several species of warblers while on a trip to Thailand. It was not easy taking into account all the difficulties in photographing them. Mainly they stayed quite far in the treetops and to make matters worse they were very busy. Often before the camera focused automatically, the bird had gone. Their small size (about 10 grams - three times lighter than a sparrow) did not make the task any easier. Birds often were hidden behind needles or leaves. Taking pictures was only one of the difficulties but the real problem was how to identify them.

Yellow-collared Lovebird

Two species of lovebirds, but how different in behavior, at least in terms of shooting. The Fischer's lovebirds were seen several times, even in cities. Regardless of whether it was urbanized area or the savannah, they were very skittish. It was impossible to approach them or drive up. They always kept a long distance. Whereas we found the yellow-collared lovebird only in one place, but the birds allowed us to take photos from only few meters. As it happens with parrots they were quite noisy and it was no problem to record the sounds of both species.

Bardzo dobre
