
Alphabetical list

Galeries 31 - 40 of 175 available in this categorie    |    Page 4 of 18
Red-billed Oxpecker

This bird was on my must have list of species to photograph during an expedition to South Africa. Unfortunately, the first contact was not successful, two photos from a considerable distance,  on a cow. These were not pictures I dreamt about after all. Fortunately, a few days later, we found a herd of buffalo and several giraffes with oxpeckers feeding on them. In my opinion some of the most interesting photos of this trip were taken. Buffaloes, because of their strength and sometimes aggression, belong to some of the most dangerous African animals.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Red-billed Pigeon
Red-billed Quelea

South Africa- 02/2017
Last minute news-Tanzania-12/2017
Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

Bardzo dobre
Red-billed Teal

South Africa
Tanzania- 12/2017
Last minute news-11/2022- Zambia
Last minute news-11/12-2022 – Botswana

Red-billed Tropicbird
Red-breasted Blackbird
Red-breasted flycatcher

FINALLY! Many times walking through the woods I looked for red-breasted flycatcher without any result. I could not take pictures, except documentary one. Even its documentary value, however, was so small that the picture was not published on my website. And here again it was Kerem who walking in the park and searching for krüper's nuthatch pointed out the place where he could hear red-breasted flycatcher. I waited a moment and taking the first, but very beautiful photo of this charming birdie became a reality.

Bardzo dobre
Red-breasted goose

I think, it is one of the most beautiful geese photographed by me. Unfortunately, despite the 2x converter and a 600-millimeter lens the distance was so great that I had to crop the picture. But this goose is an important species to me  for two reasons. The first one is that the portrait of this bird completes my collection of geese seldom found in Poland. The second one is that it is a four hundredth bird species included on my website. The Red-breasted Goose is quite rare in Poland, because its natural habitat is the Western Siberia.

Red-breasted Merganser

The Red-breasted Merganser’s gallery was created during the winter expedition in the area of Bay of Puck (13`). Mergansers occurred quite frequently in the area of ​​Jastarnia. Despite the strong wind in the morning, lighting conditions were conducive to taking good pictures. Unfortunately mergansers were at quite long distance from the coast and most of images are framed considerably. That’s a pity as among the flock mating behavior could be seen.

Red-browed Finch

What a great pleasure it would be for many bird-breeders, as the Red-browed Finch  is a breeding bird. Its natural environment it is the east coast of Australia. It is said to fly in small flocks, but I never had the pleasure to observe such situation. My two meetings with one individual resulted in several photographs. Once in the Blue Mountains, once in the vicinity of Townsville. Red-browed finches build a nest of dried grass 2-3 meters above the ground. The nest  looks like a ball with tunnel side entrance.

