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Green Honeycreeper
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Green Ibis

Last minute news- 9/2023- Ecuador

Green iguana

On Fuerteventura I photographed these iguanas in turns with weaver finches. They passed slowly and solemnly and there was no problem with taking pictures. Green iguanas like weavers are the species not naturally occurring on the island. There is a high probability that they escaped from farms or were released into the wild by breeder when slightly exceeded his expectations. Naturally they occur in South and Central America. Green iguanas grow up to 1.5 meters in length.
Last minute news - 12/2015 Costa Rica

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Green imperial pigeon
Green monkey


Green pygmy goose
Green Sandpiper

I had to ask professionals to identify the Green Sandpiper (Paweł, Mr Julian, greetings) as the differences between Green Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper and other Sandpipers has been a challenge for me so far. I observed them too rarely to tell and to be sure of the identification. Like it once was with European Robin and Red-breasted Flycatcher and couple of other species. So there is a progress, which undoubtedly makes me happy. Unfortunately, the watching spot wasn’t perfect, as for couple of hours of observation, two Green Sandpipers flew by for two brief moments.

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Green Thorntail

Although I managed to capture many species of hummingbirds, you can find there one description of all 22 species photographed in Costa Rica together. This time my expedition took longer and the light was better, I had therefore an opportunity to take many dynamic pictures. It is interesting that driving around Costa Rica after traveling several kilometers there were species of hummingbirds completely different from those we could observe earlier.

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Green Violetear

Although I managed to capture many species of hummingbirds, you can find there one description of all 22 species photographed in Costa Rica together. This time my expedition took longer and the light was better, I had therefore an opportunity to take many dynamic pictures. It is interesting that driving around Costa Rica after traveling several kilometers there were species of hummingbirds completely different from those we could observe earlier.

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Green Woodhoopoe

This wasn't another birding trip, but I could not resist taking my camera equipment with me to such an exotic country as Gambia? My photography in Africa so far has been of the eastern and southern parts of Africa. So, in Gambia, which lies in the western part of Africa, I was hoping to encounter many new species, not to say that I was also hoping for the ease of close bird photography. This only applied to a small number of species near human settlements.

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