
Alphabetical list

Galeries 91 - 100 of 282 available in this categorie    |    Page 10 of 29
Slaty Egret
Slaty Flowerpiercer
Bardzo dobre
Slaty-blue Flycatcher
Bardzo dobre
Slaty-tailed Trogon

Although the resplendent quetzal also belongs to the family Trogonidae but has already been presented in the introductory text to the expedition to Costa Rica, so here we have a few words about other trogons. Well, as in the case of motmots it was not easy to encounter trogons. But when they were already found the same scenario took place. A trogon that quietly sat in a tree watched the surroundings, turning its head from left to right and back again. After a few minutes it flew away, but usually not too far, to the nearby branch, and the session could be continued.

Slender-billed Gull

This gallery was created only at the prompt of my guide  in Turkey, Kerema. Thank you Kerema. It was he who drew my attention to a stranger in a large group of gulls –. Fortunately, it took our presence for granted and it began feeding and flying around us and our cameras. All the photos were taken in the same spot and are therefore a bit monotonous, but this is what my first encounter with the Slender-billed Gull was like. It is rarely found in Poland. It inhabits the Mediterranean and India. Its size is similar to the Black-headed gull.

Slender-billed prion

Albatrosses, fulmars, shearwaters, storm petrels…

Slender-tailed Mongoose
Slender-tailed Nightjar

Such a find must be noted. Everyone who has passion for birdwatching or photography knows how hard it is to spot a slender-tailed nightjar. When you manage to find it, it will not be a problem to take pictures, unless you come too close. This time it was Tadeusz who noticed the bird and this is why I send my special thanks to him.  In the morning when we were packing our tents, we had still some time to check the area, whether it would be possible to capture other new species or to take more interesting shots before our departure.

Bardzo dobre
Sling-tailed agama
Bardzo dobre
Slow Worm

I managed to photograph this legless lizard when I was traversing the forest looking for moose. I wish I had had my 100mm macro with me, which I usually do. Anyway, I had to improvise with other lenses, but it didn’t last long. Unfortunately the slow worm “dived” into the moss, and it was impossible to find it and continue shooting. Well, the first pictures of this legless lizard are taken, but the thought about possible photos that could have been taken if only I had had the right lens,  makes me feel angry.

Bardzo dobre
