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Galeries 71 - 80 of 175 available in this categorie    |    Page 8 of 18
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo

In the evening while we were planning the last day of our workshop Hans quite confidently suggested this species. Looking at the big parrots with bright red or yellow feathers underside the tail I had nothing against it, of course. They seemed to me very exotic and interesting. We had known each other to such extent that I could believe his promises as he generally hit the spot, and when he used the phrase "maybe" he meant it would happen most probably. Initially we took photos of parrots outside the city, in the hills.

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Red-tailed Hawk
Red-throated Ant-Tanager

Costa Rica
Last minute news-03/2022 Mexico

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Red-throated Loon

The photos of the Red-throated Loon were taken during a short break between the stays in the first and the second shelter, where I photographed grouses and capercaillies. It was a species that I desired to have in my galery, but in Poland it was very difficult to spot, even more to photograph. I took a photo of the Loon in the winter of 2013 in Jurata, but the sun was setting, the bird was sleeping on water, and the distance was too big.

Moje ulubione, Bardzo dobre
Red-vented Bulbul
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Red-wattled Lapwing

The fourth species of lapwing gets onto my website. I’m wondering again, what’s the reason why if you approach a lapwing peacefully anywhere in the world, you are able to take satisfactory pictures. In Poland, however, you cannot do without a hide, and lapwings will fly away producing fearful sounds. I encountered red-wattled lapwings several times in Thailand, and each subsequent encounter was closer and the pictures taken were more interesting.

Red-whiskered Bulbul

As it happened many times while shooting in Australia, I encountered the Red-whiskered Bulbul once and the meeting ended up with a few photos. A few, but so representative that it was worthwhile to set up its gallery. It is a pity that there are not too many as it is quite attractive bird to shot. It is interesting that on the grounds of Australia and North America it has been introduced artificially. Naturally it occurs in India, Nepal and China. The Bulbul is quite small because its weight is about 40 grams.

Red-winged Blackbird

It is a big shame that the Red-winged Blackbird inhabits only Northern America. Watching the Blackbirds' herds, which while flying present our national (red and white) colors under their wings on a ravenblack body, would be nice to observe in Poland. Additionally, single blackbirds sing characteristically, sitting on trees. I photographed them in March, so it might have been connected to their breeding season. I had too little time for conclusions. I hope that with time I will find the birds voice to present it to you.

Red-winged Starling

South Africa- 02/2017
Last minute news-Tanzania-12/2017
Last minute news-Ethiopia-12/2019

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Reddish Egret
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